Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Me like it or not...

Hey guys,

It's been awhile so I thought I would attempt to write again. So much has changed in the past little while I will tell you everything though...

I am moving in less than 2 days to Saint John I am really excited and happy it is time for a change and I really can't wait. I am just sick of Sussex and don't want to be here anymore. I will miss my family and friends they are awesome and always will be!

I will be starting college in June taking Criminology my dreams and goals are finally coming together and I couldn't be happier...about that anyways lol. I will be almost 25 when I am finished school and 23 when I start I guess I am just kinda doing things backwards family first and then school haha oh well it is all good. I am really excited to go back and finish something I started 5 years ago.

Talking about 5 years ago... it is funny Kelly and I were talking this past weekend when I was up there and it has almost been 5 years since I met her and thinking about then and thinking about now wow so much has changed like I am not with Jon THANKGOD!!! and she isn't with Mark anymore and me with my little girl and her with her daughter who was only a baby 5 years ago and now she has her little boy it is just so hard to believe I am so happy I met Kelly back then.

Friends have been wonderful Kassie and Connor are both doing good and he is getting so big. Jess is going to be an aunt and a Godmother to Jon and Tami's baby so that is exciting! Lisa and Noah are doing great and Noah is walking now. Kelly and her 2 kids are wonderful and Landon is walking now, and Kelly is getting married yay Kel I am so happy for you! That is the update on them... I will finally get to meet Ashlee on Thursday we are having a girls night... movies, pizza and wings it's going to be great and I can't wait and then Saturday painting party at my parents house yay:) I love to paint.

Well as everyone would say I am still boy crazy as ever hehe but these past few days I have been doing tons of thinking that is all I do lately... anyway this is what I have come up with if guys don't like me for me well than FUCK THEM!!! Like seriously I am me that is all I am and all I am going to be if they don't like that than they are not worth my time lol. I am sure Mr. Right is out there somewhere but only when the time is right I guess is when I or he will find me. I know in my heart that I am a good person with a good head on my shoulders and I would make someone a good girlfriend I do know this I may not apply it alot but yes I know it.

Some of my plans are when I move is this...
>Live my life to the fullest
>Join a gym I love to work out
>Do well in school
>Be a great mom that I am
>Lose the extra weight that I don't need

There are probably more but those are the ones that I can think of right now. I am going to do my best to keep those goals bc I need something to look forward to. This hasn't been an easy time for me but I make do and suck it up and deal with it the best I can. I know deep down things are going to sooooo much better when I move and get settled in and have everything set in place.

Alexis is doing wonderful... she had her 18 month needles the other day and did great with them thats my baby girl for you. Everyday she makes me so proud of her and I have so much love for her and I wouldn't want things any other way she is my life and my everything.

I am tired of ppl calling me a bitch or cunt or whatever else they like to call me. I don't call ppl that so why do they have to say those things about me? I am not into Drama I try to stay away from it as much as possible and I don't think ppl should start it with me and then I am the one that is always made to look like the bad one, but really I am not though.

Anyway I think that does it for tonight it is 4am just about lol. I thinkt that is all the news and anything and everything that is on my mind. When I know more or have anything else bothering me I will be sure to write.

G2G Bye!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I'M SO EXCITED YOU ARE GOING TO BE IN SAINT JOHN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!