Friday, May 2, 2008

Loving it...

Hey guys,

Well I am finally all moved and still working on the unpacking and cleaning as I go type thing... but I am slowly getting there with it. I just got everything all hooked up today or I would have wrote last night but couldn't unfortunely.

I absolutely love living here in Saint John there is so much to do and so many places to see I love it I can't say that enough! I had such a wonderful day I was awake by 8am Rogers was here to hook my stuff up that took a couple hours and then I went out for a bit came home cleaned uppacked some more and then I just relaxed for a few minutes I was happy to have internet. Then I had some company and my love seat arrived as a few other things did as well. I organized and put that stuff away and then made supper. After supper I was bored so took myself and Alexis exploring it was a fun time and I now know where lots of places are.

Alexis went to bed last night on her own the 1st time in 18 months she loves it here and as I already said I do too. Tonight she also went to sleep again her own it is amazing and I am not complaining I am happy that she is learning to self-soothe herself. Alexis favorite part about my apartment would have to be the huge ass windows I have here she loves to look out them and say hi to all the ppl walking by. I love my little girl she is so commical and just amazing.

Anyway I have to be going I still have lots to do yet. It is late as well but I just wanted to update you all. Ashlee is also on her way here she couldn't make it last night so we are doing girls night tonight:) I will write again when I can.

G2G Bye!

1 comment:

WickedJessie said...

Awsome place Bekka! your gonna have a blast and give Lexie and great head start!