Thursday, May 8, 2008

My family...

Hey guys,

As you read this blog you will see that it is about my family hence the title. I decided to write about them bc I miss them and living here in the city now I don't get to see them very often anymore especially my dad he is still always working.

Anyway I will start with my parents who have been wonderful my dad worked long hard hours to support his family and wanted Amanda, James and I to have a great life so he worked 3 jobs to make that happen. I love my dad he taught me so much like how to be a hard worker and how to work for things you want and need and I was the kinda of daughter that was out in the woods with him or out in the hard or in the garage with him working on cars and whatnot. I love spending time with him, my father is an amazing man and he raised us kids right. For that I want to dedicate this song to him... "Daddy's Hands"

Next I will talk about my mom she is awesome and one of a kind you know how you would hear kids say "my mom is cool shit" well it is true that is what my mom is and always have been. We were not grounded as kids and we spent alot of time outside and not in front of the T.V. and I thank her for that I really do. It taught Amanda and I to play and keep ourselves occupied on our own which did alot for me I can't speak for Man but I am sure she feels the same. So here is a song for my mom..."Somebody's Hero"

Next you have my brother James he is 7 years older than me and him and I didn't always get along the best and up untill last year I had no idea why or what I did so I lost it one day and emailed him asking him what makes me different from Amanda and it had nothing to do with that at all. James was jealous of me bc I was my dad's 1st and he adopted James when mom and dad got married therefore he felt left out and jealous of me and he took that out on me. I missed out on alot doing things with my brother and if I could change that I would but I can't so I just have to live with it and accept the fact. James has 2 wonderful boys who I love with all my heart and is now remarried and has been for almost a year now, him and Yumi met outwest although he came back home to be married and then went back outwest. I have not seen him in almost a year and have only talked to him on the phone once in February his bday actually. I see his boys whenever I can and they are doing great and I am happy for them they are getting so big and growing up so fast. Here is the song I send to James and his boys..."I don't call him daddy"

Next would be my sister Amanda she is amazing and I love her so much she has grown into a beautiful young lady and pretty as all go out, she has alot of self confidence that is something I don't have alot of but I am getting better at it slowly. Man has been there through the whole relationship, the breakup everything she has listened to me cry myself to sleep and sometimes she may act like she doesn't care I know she does and since the whole breakup with Jon and Jamie Amanda has been there and we have become closer than ever and I never thought that would happen but it has and I love my little sister and I wish her all the best bc she is great at whatever she does. Here is the song that I have picked out for her..."Sisters"

I am going to talk about my little girl now I love Alexis to pieces I really do without my little girl I can honestly say I don't know where I would be at if I didn't have her in my life. You know it crushes you when you are with someone for 7 years and one day they just look at you and say I wish you were dead that killed me that night I think I would have rather her father stick a knife in me than to say those hurtful words. Alexis is the light of my life I love my baby girl more than anyone or anything in this world and I am doing everything for her I want to give her an awesome life and I want her to look up to me and come to me when something is wrong. I want Alexis to know no matter what takes place over the years she will always be my #1 and I truely mean that. Things may not always be easy when it comes to being a single mom but I try my best and I will continue to do so for Alexis I will always be there for my little girl. Here is the song I thought was best for her..."In my daughter's eyes"

Anyway with all that being said I have a wonderful step family, Clarence is awesome he is a great step father so here is the song for him..."He didn't have to be" My dad's gf is awesome too in her own way, for the longest time she was jealous of Amanda and I but everything seems ok now. I know my dad and her are happy and I am happy for them so that is all what matters.

This is how I am going to end this one, it is late and I am tired and I think I need sleep. My family is very important to me and I don't think I tell them enough like I should. Anyway this chicky boo is off to bed as long as Alexis stays asleep.

G2G Bye!

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