Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Alexis' 1st Birthday and the new house...

Hey guys,

I havn't posted in a while because I have been so busy lately working on my parents new house and trying to get things done. It is coming along really good and we now have a roof and a full wall up so that is awesome and we are all doing a great job!

Well my baby is 1 today I cried most of today and was like at this time last year this is what was happening and the day kept on playing over and over in my head and now that little 7 pound baby is 22 pounds, she is growing like a bad weed and the time has gone by so fast it is scary just how fast it flew by. It wasn't a good year for me but it is getting better and I feel better I really do. We are having a party for her saturday or sunday not sure which day it is yet lol I am doing good to get that far. I still just can't believe that she is 1 where has the time gone that is all I have to say??

Well I feel horriable because I was supposed to have someone over tonight and well I was working late because we wanted to get alot done because of the wedding and everything and we were running out of time so that is why I stayed late but I tried to call him to tell him that and I still have a drive now for him but he won't talk to me right now can't say I blame him. Hopefully I can make it up to him and fix things like they used to be.

Anyway that is all I am exausted and ready for bed and I have alot of work to do tomorrow between the house and the wedding I am overloaded lol.

G2G Bye!

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