Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My poor baby...

Hey guys,

Well I have been at mom's and things weren't going too too bad so it was an ok time for me there, maybe it has to do with the fact that they were not home until late at night and Amanda usually stayed in her room so it was just basically Alexis and I. Well I was talking to John on the phone and told him that I didnt think Alexis was feeling good and that she was running a fever so he decided to come out and get us so I could take her in to the outpatients so she could see a doctor well that took forever it was a very long wait and they needed a urine sample from her and well she just wouldn't pee. We took her home and after the 3rd attempt I finally put that bag on her right and caught her pee. John drove me up to the hospital and I watied while they tested it and well they told me to bring her back up and re-register her again so I did that and she saw the doctor, this time it was a different one and she was awesome and treated Alexis for a bladder infection and sent the paper out for her to have an ultrasound.

Alexis still isn't feeling good and she goes for her U/S on her 1st birthday the poor girl so she will have that done on October 10th. I am really hoping there isn't anything wrong with her she has never been this sick and this is her 1st fever she has ever had so I am really worried about her.

John is being nice to me for some odd reason I have no idea why but it is just a weird feeling I have about it. I mean I like it when he is nice for sure but I also liked him when he was hateful and I am just used to him and not scared of him. I have 2 guys interested in me and to tell you the truth I am scared to death of them why I don't know I just am. John is the only one I am not scared of but I used to be as well. I don't want this to stop me from meeting Mr. Right if there is such thing I really don't know anymore I still find myself asking me that question lots of time.

I think I am finally letting go of John I know how happy he is with his new life and he si doing good for himself and he never loved me in the 1st place I was just a fool to think he even did, he should have left me years ago why he didn't is beyond me but he didn't. I loved him more than anything and anyone he was my one true life but maybe he and I both missed out on things being so young when we started and got together so now I am experiencing life the way it is supposed to be and some days are good and others are bad but the one positive thing is I have the most wonderful and beautiful daughter that I could ever ask for so I am so happy to have her because Miss Boo mommy loves you with all her heart!!!!

Anyway well that is my update for now sorry I havn't wrote in a few days I have been getting ready for my mom's wedding which is also very soon and I am excited for her and I hope everything goes wonderful them. The wedding is October 13th. I am off to bed now guys.

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