Thursday, September 6, 2007

Im done...

Hey guys,

I am done with being a mother I can't take it I can't take the comments I went out tonight and I didn't hear the end of it because John and Tami both said I had her out too late and you know what if they think they can do a better job then be it. It is not fair to Alexis to see her parents fighting and listening to her father call me a CUNT because I am far from that I really am and someday he will realize that.

Anyway I am giving up for Alexis' sake she doesn't need me just like her father didn't and that way they can be happy because this is all I can handle it really is. I love Alexis to pieces but what do I do I am tired of being made to feel like a bad mother so this way they can have her and do a hell of alot better job than I can.

I feel so sick I can't do it there is something wrong and it isn't getting better all I want to do is be able to eat again and for some reason I can't I feel sick right after I am not sleeping good but that is probably because I had John to sleep with for the past 6 years I miss him I really do but I don't think I love him not after what he did to me tonight how can I??

Anyway I am too upset to write anymore tonight....

G2G Bye!

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