Wednesday, September 12, 2007

What a great day...

Hey guys,

Today has been a great day, it started off a little shaky but got better as the day went on. I woke up at 7:30am thanks to Miss Boo and then had a bank appointment at 9am anyway so I went to ask John if he would watch Alexis and he said no but that was because he was sick and I didn't know about it at that time so I will admit that yah I was a bit pissed at him, but then I calmed down once I knew what was wrong with him.

I went to the bank to try to figure and straighten things out and well that didn't happen so I was a bit upset to find out that they couldn't do anything for me. The only way they would if John signed off and well I don't think he wants to do that but I don't know.

When I was walking back I got caught out in the rain and ended up getting soaked so that would have been ok but the rain was cold and me being wet was so not good. I made it back and Alexis was just eating because I texted Tami to find out if John was feeding her and he wasn't so I asked her too because I did not know that John was still sick and in bed.

Tonight has been wonderful I asked John to watch Alexis and I just went and hung out with Jess we did a few "loser laps" around town and just talked it was great and Alexis slept the whole time so John had no problems with her as well.

Well I have a Dr. Appt tomorrow for Alexis and while I am there I am going to asked him a few questions about myself because I need to know and he would have the answers for me. Alexis has been sleeping more than usual and she just doesn't seem to get enough sleep and is always tired and cranky. Hopefully the Dr. will fix that problem for us tomorrow if it can be done.

Anyway Alexis is sleeping so I am off of here and going to sleep before she wakes up lol.

G2G Bye!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

If she is sleeping a lot then there is a good chance it is low iron. Thats good that you caught that right away and the doc is getting blood tests done.

Anyway, off to read my book.